Macro - TV Speaker Grill


Unknown said…
How in the world do u get such ideas?
Never even thought the speaker can make such a beautiful pic.
No wonder u r the photographer and am just commenting.. Great shot cheta. U r the best
Anonymous said…
thanx sumesh...all u need to do is SEE..theres beauty everywhere
Unknown said…
i seriously would not have guessed what it was? i usually try to focus on your photos before checking out the title...this time i thought it was a mosquito net or design on a mat...
sumesh is right....we are left wondering where you get these ideas...
you could run a 'guess what?' contest with your pictures..
mononita said…
gops, i dont know what the hell this is, but it sure looks GOOD!!!
Anonymous said…
its a speaker gril of a TV mono
Aditi Goswami said…
this one looks like a honeycomb...but its a speaker?
Gops said…
yeah speaker grill